Monday, September 24, 2012

Get To

From Keith,
To the Congregation.
Mark 6:31 Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

We have come to the end of our Amish Homestay. It is  Sunday morning. Chores are finished. I am standing at the gate looking at the empty horse stalls. One thought flashes through my mind and it becomes a hinge of the early days of the sabbatical. As I am standing there, the thought comes to my mind; "In just a few minutes I get to feed the horses, then hitch them to the buggy to go to church." I realize I used the word "get to" in my thoughts and I realize it has more to do with horses than it has to do with the time of worship in which I will participate. It is a journey into some soul searching that I know I will not enjoy, but I realize it is part of sabbatical.

Part one:
I tend to turn everything I do into work. Everything becomes a "have to." This permeates every part of my life. I work at my work. I work at my hobbies. I work at my relationships. I work at parenting. I work at my exercise. I work at my worship.... I turn it all into "have to." I have to tell you. I don't know how to "get to", but I know it is something I want to learn. In fact it is something I believe God is asking me to learn. I am only at the beginning of this. I am a child in it. I would even entertain your insights. I know some of you who seemingly know how to do this.

Part two:
I used "get to" about horses and not about worship. When I realized what I had just done, a song rushed into my mind. Read these words as you listen to the tune and renew your heart.


  1. I definitively don't know how to do this, but I too am learning. As I listened to the song, a few thoughts entered my mind. Lately my thoughts are it's not about me, or my needs, or my family, or my situation. It is about Jesus. I am also like a child in this which is exactly what I am. I am and will forever be a child of God. When my thinking is focused on its about Jesus, the things in my life that keep me 'busy' or 'stressed' don't matter. They are moments in time that will pass compared to Jesus which is eternity.
    How blessed am I that I 'get to' live my life for Jesus. I 'get to' talk to Him whenever my heart desires. I 'get to' sing praise to Him. I 'get to' climb upon His lap when I am weak. I 'get to' call Him my Father. I 'get to' never be alone. I 'get to' share His love and what he has done. Then I begin to think oh am I just making it about me again. As quickly as the thought enters my mind, I am reminded that Jesus died on the cross for me. He wants me to come to Him with every praise and concern. Wow... then I think...why do I struggle with this at times. There are times I feel like I 'have to'. I 'have to' get up and go to church. I 'have to' share my life with others. But I know that He isn't finished with me yet. I can't wait til I no longer feel at times like 'I have to'. I know that day will come. After all, I am just the clay and I have the Master Potter molding me. I know the final outcome. It will come in His perfect time as long as I live my life for Him.
    I am learning that I also have things to offer not through my own abilities, but through the gifts that He has given me. I not only 'get to' share these things but He wants me to share them. And if I am to truly live for Him and not for myself no matter how out of my comfort zone I must step, I will because I 'get to'. It's about Jesus and He is standing there arms extended waiting for me to take the step!

  2. This really touched me thanks for helping me on the journey.
